On Saturday, February 22nd, 2020 Nelson CARES will host the 6th annual CNOY. The Coldest Night of the Year is a walking fundraiser that raises money and awareness for the hungry, homeless and hurting in over 130 communities across Canada. We are looking forward to seeing some new faces this year, alongside some familiar ones from the past years!

At Nelson CARES we reach out to support the most vulnerable people in the community. One of our goals is the preservation, maintenance and development of affordable housing in Nelson, British Columbia. The focus of the first three CNOY walks was the refurbishment of our downtown affordable housing building, Ward Street Place. The last 2 year the funding focus shifts to support individuals through the Ready For Home program.

Our Ready For Home program provides support to homeless individuals ready for housing, individuals newly housed and those at risk of losing their housing. At the core of Ready For Home is a paid staff member who works one-on-one with individuals to find housing, to transition into affordable housing and to sustain them in their existing accommodation.

At Nelson CARES respect for every individual is an ordinary everyday occurrence. Nelson CARES Society preserves and maintains affordable housing in Nelson, British Columbia.

Please Join us and show your respect to all individuals in our wonderful community.