RIGHTS + PRIVACY + COMPLAINTS2022-07-12T19:33:19+00:00


Nelson CARES Society believes it is important to protect the privacy of the people in the community we serve. That is why privacy and confidentiality of personal information is one of our organization’s core values. We are committed to meeting the privacy standards set out by the federal government’s Personal Information Protection Act, or PIPA.


  • Be accountable by establishing privacy policies and responsibilities
  • Let persons know why information is being collected, and how it will be used
  • Ask for consent for information to be collected, for its use and disclosure
  • Only gather information required for identified purposes
  • Limit the use, disclosure and retention of data; data no longer required is destroyed
  • Be accurate by keeping frequently used information up-to-date
  • Appropriate safeguards will be put in place to ensure sensitive information is secure and under controlled access
  • Privacy policies and practices are communicated openly to the public
  • Individuals have access to personal information gathered about them
  • Provide a complaint procedure
  • Invite feedback, quickly investigate and resolve complaints

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Nelson CARES Society privacy policy, please contact our privacy officer, Jac Nobiss, Executive Director of Nelson CARES Society. executivedirector@nelsoncares.ca    250-352-6011 ext:5260


The purpose of the Client Bill of Rights is to ensure the rights of persons served are respected and communicated. Information related to the rights of the persons served will be regularly and appropriately communicated to all clients (and family members and legal representatives if appropriate), staff and volunteers. This information is included in the Client Bill of Rights as well as several other related policies guiding the delivery of services under the Policy Section “Rights of Person Served”.

  1. to be treated with dignity and respect
  2. to make personal choices
  3. to receive quality care
  4. to understand and access information that is about me
  5. to privacy
  6. to have my personal information handled with confidentiality
  7. to safety and security
  8. to be treated equally free from discrimination
  9. to speak up and be heard


  1. Client Bill of Rights will be posted at each program site.
  2. The Rights of Person Served Policies and the Client Bill of Rights will be made available to all clients (and family members or representatives if appropriate) of the Nelson CARES Society, and will be reviewed with clients as required.
  3. All employees and volunteers will be required to make a conscientious commitment to the Client Bill of Rights and ethical codes of conduct by signing the Employee and Volunteer Code of Conduct Form (Appendix A – Forms) upon the commencement of employment and will be oriented to all Rights of Persons Served Policies.
  4. Each program area is given the right to further define and communicate the above stated Client Bill of Rights in a manner appropriate to the clients and services provided.


Nelson CARES Society is committed to maintaining good relationships with its clients, neighbours and the community. Every complaint will be received and dealt with respectfully and responded to in a timely manner. The human rights of all parties will be respected throughout the complaints process.


  • Complaints do not necessarily signal crisis
    The society’s approach to complaints is tempered by a belief that complaints are a natural outcome of providing services. Complaints offer an opportunity for change and improvement.
  • Wherever possible, complaints should be resolved by the affected parties
    Parties affected by a complaint should, whenever possible, participate in addressing and resolving the complaint amount themselves.
  • Organizations and people act in good faith
    The society will approach complaints with the assumption that all parties are acting in good faith to address situations affecting the quality of services provided.
  • Complaints will be treated with consistency
    Not all complaints will be alike. However, complaints that are similar in nature will be approached in the same or a similar manner.
  • Issues of power will be acknowledged
    Every effort will be made to recognize the power inequity that exists in the situation.
  • The response to complaints will be immediate
    Investigation of a complaint will begin as soon as possible after it has been received, and complaints will be addressed in a timely manner.
  • Complaints will be treated with fairness
    The actions of the society will be guided by what is fair and reasonable, and the validity of complaints will not be prejudged.
  • The action of the complaint will not result in retaliation or barriers to service.
    Complainants’ efforts to resolve complaints and concerns are seen as a positive expression of their rights and will not be treated as a reason or opportunity for restricting their access to services.
  • Complaints will be treated confidentially
    Subject to applicable legal requirements, all complaints will be treated as confidential.


Client/Family Service Delivery Complaints:

  1. When a client (or client’s family member) wishes to complain about the society’s services or facilities, they will be provided with a copy of the Complaint Policy including the complaint form (at the end of this policy).
  2. Staff will advise the complainant to direct his/her complaint using the following steps:

Step 1:    Try to resolve the problem by speaking directly with the staff person involved, if possible.

Step 2:    If Step 1 is not successful, advise the complainant to put the complaint in writing using the complaint form  and submit it to the Program Supervisor. The Program Supervisor will investigate the complaint and shall respond within 3 working days of the complaint being received.

Step 3:    If unresolved by Program Supervisor, advise complainant to submit written complaint to the Program Manager. The Program Manager will investigate the complaint and shall respond within 5 working days of the complaint being received.

Step 4:     If not satisfied with the resolution, the complainant may appeal the resolution in Step 3 by sending a request for appeal in writing to the society’s Executive Director who will investigate the matter and provide a written conclusion within 20 working days.

Step 5:     SCL-Residential is a licensed program. If a complainant is not comfortable bringing forward a complaint to the Program Manager/Executive Director or is not satisfied with the results of an internal response to a complaint they may contact Licensing Direct.
Licensing Direct contact information:

Phone: 1-877-980-5118
Email: Interior Health Licensing Direct
Fax: 1-250-868-7760

  1. Nelson CARES Society supports the right of all complainants to have he assistance of an advocate or support person of their choice present throughout the process.
  2. Where a complaint involves the actions of the Program Supervisor, the written complaint shall be referred directly to the Program Manager for investigation.
  3. Where a complaint involves the actions of the Program Manager, the written complaint shall be referred directly to the Executive Director for investigation.
  4. Where  a complaint involves the actions of the Executive Director, the written complaint shall be referred to the Board Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair, for investigation.
  5. All complaints and their outcomes shall be documented in the client record and a copy of the complaint resolution will be placed in a confidential “Complaints” file maintained by the Executive Director. The “Complaints” file will be reviewed annually for performance improvement.

Community Complaints:

  1. Nelson CARES Society encourages community members who have concerns/complaints about the society’s services or delivery of services to contact the appropriate Program Supervisor/Coordinator either in person or via telephone to discuss their concerns/complaints.  All concerns/complaints will be heard and responded to in a timely manner.  Resolution of verbal complaints will be recorded and submitted to the Program Manager for review and processing.
  2. If complaint remains unresolved, complainants are advised to submit a written complaint directly to the Program Manager. Complainants may be provided the society’s complaint form.  Written complaints may also come in the form of a letter and should, at a minimum, include the following:
    1. The date(s) and time(s) that the incident occurred;
    2. A brief description of the nature of the incident;
    3. The names of all employees and clients involved;
    4. Other details relevant to the complaint.
  1. Nelson CARES society will only accept complaints related to the operations of its programs and services. Nelson CARES Society will not respond on a client’s behalf to complaints made against the client. Any complaint of a legal nature made against a client will be forwarded to the client and/or (if applicable) the client’s Alternate Decision Maker and to any authority designated to act on the client’s behalf with respect to complaints of a legal nature. The client will be told about all legal and advocacy services available to him/her.
  1. The Program Manager will conduct a thorough investigation of the complaint. The investigation will include interviews with the person making the complaint, employees and clients involved. The investigation will also take into consideration all policies, standards and regulations related to the incident. When the Program Manager’s investigation is completed, he/she will determine whether or not the complaint is valid.

A complaint is deemed valid if:

  1. A neighbour or community member suffered damage to her/his property or assets; or
  2. The rights of the person making the complaint are unreasonably violated; and
  3. The complaint is related to the program and its operation.

The Program Manager will respond in writing to the complainant. Responses to complaints will not contain personal client information to which the person complaining is not entitled.

Responses to invalid complains will include:

  1. The reason the complaint has been deemed invalid;
  2. Reference to all applicable policies, standards and regulations used to make the decision;
  3. The contact information for the Nelson CARES Society’s Executive Director to whom an appeal may be made.
  4.  If the appeal remains unresolved from the complainant’s perspective, the names and addresses of external resources to further their complaint will be provided.

Responses to valid complaints will include:

  1. Reference to all applicable policies, standards and regulations used to make the decision;
  2. An apology and/or offer of compensation (if appropriate);
  3. A description of all steps that will be taken to avoid another occurrence of the incident.
  1. The Program Manager will respond to all complaints within 10 working days of receipt of the written complaint. The Program Manager will meet with the complainant(s), at the complainant’s request.
  2. If not satisfied with the resolution, the complainant may appeal the resolution by sending a request for appeal in writing to the society’s Executive Director who will investigate the matter and provide a written conclusion within 20 working days.
  3. If a complaint may result in a potential liability to the program or the society, the Program Manager will notify the Executive Director immediately to seek consultation as to how to proceed with the investigation.
  4. All complaints that may result in legal action against or potential liability to the program or the society may be reviewed by legal counsel, prior to any response being made to the complainant.
ALL PROGRAM COMPLAINT POLICY2017-01-04T21:06:56+00:00

PURPOSE: To ensure that the right to formally lay complaints and appeals are clearly communicated to clients and community members. This policy does not address responses to critical incidents.

POLICY:  Nelson CARES Society is committed to maintaining good relationships with its clients, neighbours and the community. Every complaint will be received and dealt with respectfully and responded to in a timely manner. The human rights of all parties will be respected throughout the complaints process.

  • Complaints do not necessarily signal crisis
    The society’s approach to complaints is tempered by a belief that complaints are a natural outcome of providing services. Complaints offer an opportunity for change and improvement.
  • Wherever possible, complaints should be resolved by the affected parties 
    Parties affected by a complaint should, whenever possible, participate in addressing and resolving the complaint amount themselves.
  • Organizations and people act in good faith
    The society will approach complaints with the assumption that all parties are acting in good faith to address situations affecting the quality of services provided.
  • Complaints will be treated with consistency
    Not all complaints will be alike. However, complaints that are similar in nature will be approached in the same or a similar manner.
  • Issues of power will be acknowledged
    Every effort will be made to recognize the power inequity that exists in the situation.
  • The response to complaints will be immediate
    Investigation of a complaint will begin as soon as possible after it has been received, and complaints will be addressed in a timely manner.
  • Complaints will be treated with fairness
    The actions of the society will be guided by what is fair and reasonable, and the validity of complaints will not be prejudged.
  • The action of the complaint will not result in retaliation or barriers to service.
    Complainants’ efforts to resolve complaints and concerns are seen as a positive expression of their rights and will not be treated as a reason or opportunity for restricting their access to services.
  • Complaints will be treated confidentially
    Subject to applicable legal requirements, all complaints will be treated as confidential.
COMMUNITY COMPLAINTS2017-01-04T21:07:15+00:00
  1. Nelson CARES Society encourages community members who have concerns/complaints about the society’s services or delivery of services to contact the appropriate Program Supervisor/Coordinator either in person or via telephone to discuss their concerns/complaints.  All concerns/complaints will be heard and responded to in a timely manner.  Resolution of verbal complaints will be recorded and submitted to the Program Manager for review and processing.
  2. If complaint remains unresolved, complainants are advised to submit a written complaint directly to the Program Manager. Complainants may be provided the society’s Complaint Form.  Written complaints may also come in the form of a letter and should, at a minimum, include the following:
    1. The date(s) and time(s) that the incident occurred;
    2. A brief description of the nature of the incident;
    3. The names of all employees and clients involved;
    4. Other details relevant to the complaint.
  3. Nelson CARES society will only accept complaints related to the operations of its programs and services. Nelson CARES Society will not respond on a client’s behalf to complaints made against the client. Any complaint of a legal nature made against a client will be forwarded to the client and/or (if applicable) the client’s Alternate Decision Maker and to any authority designated to act on the client’s behalf with respect to complaints of a legal nature. The client will be told about all legal and advocacy services available to him/her.
  4. The Program Manager will conduct a thorough investigation of the complaint. The investigation will include interviews with the person making the complaint, employees and clients involved. The investigation will also take into consideration all policies, standards and regulations related to the incident. When the Program Manager’s investigation is completed, he/she will determine whether or not the complaint is valid.

A complaint is deemed valid if:

  1. A neighbour or community member suffered damage to her/his property or assets; or
  2. The rights of the person making the complaint are unreasonably violated; and
  3. The complaint is related to the program and its operation.

The Program Manager will respond in writing to the complainant. Responses to complaints will not contain personal client information to which the person complaining is not entitled.

Responses to invalid complains will include:

  1. The reason the complaint has been deemed invalid;
  2. Reference to all applicable policies, standards and regulations used to make the decision;
  3. The contact information for the Nelson CARES Society’s Executive Director to whom an appeal may be made.
  4. If the appeal remains unresolved from the complainant’s perspective, the names and addresses of external resources to further their complaint will be provided.

Responses to valid complaints will include:

  1. Reference to all applicable policies, standards and regulations used to make the decision;
  2. An apology and/or offer of compensation (if appropriate);
  3. A description of all steps that will be taken to avoid another occurrence of the incident.
  4. The Program Manager will respond to all complaints within 10 working days of receipt of the written complaint. The Program Manager will meet with the complainant(s), at the complainant’s request.
  5. If not satisfied with the resolution, the complainant may appeal the resolution by sending a request for appeal in writing to the society’s Executive Director who will investigate the matter and provide a written conclusion within 20 working days.
  6. If a complaint may result in a potential liability to the program or the society, the Program Manager will notify the Executive Director immediately to seek consultation as to how to proceed with the investigation.
  7. All complaints that may result in legal action against or potential liability to the program or the society may be reviewed by legal counsel, prior to any response being made to the complainant.
  1. When a client (or client’s family member) wishes to complain about the society’s services or facilities, they will be provided with a copy of the Complaint Policy including the Complaint Form (at the end of this policy).
  2. Staff will advise the complainant to direct his/her complaint using the following steps:

Step 1:    Try to resolve the problem by speaking directly with the staff person involved, if possible.

Step 2:    If Step 1 is not successful, advise the complainant to put the complaint in writing using the Complaint Form and submit it to the Program Supervisor. The Program Supervisor will investigate the complaint and shall respond within 3 working days of the complaint being received.

Step 3:    If unresolved by Program Supervisor, advise complainant to submit written complaint to the Program Manager. The Program Manager will investigate the complaint and shall respond within 5 working days of the complaint being received.

Step 4:     If not satisfied with the resolution, the complainant may appeal the resolution in Step 3 by sending a request for appeal in writing to the society’s Executive Director who will investigate the matter and provide a written conclusion within 20 working days.

Step 5:     SCL-Residential is a licensed program. If a complainant is not comfortable bringing forward a complaint to the Program Manager/Executive Director or is not satisfied with the results of an internal response to a complaint they may contact Licensing Direct.
Licensing Direct contact information:

Phone: 1+877-980-5118
Email: Interior Health Licensing Direct
Fax: 1-250-868-7760

  1. Nelson CARES Society supports the right of all complainants to have he assistance of an advocate or support person of their choice present throughout the process.
  2. Where a complaint involves the actions of the Program Supervisor, the written complaint shall be referred directly to the Program Manager for investigation.
  3. Where a complaint involves the actions of the Program Manager, the written complaint shall be referred directly to the Executive Director for investigation.
  4. Where  a complaint involves the actions of the Executive Director, the written complaint shall be referred to the Board Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair, for investigation.
  5. All complaints and their outcomes shall be documented in the client record and a copy of the complaint resolution will be placed in a confidential “Complaints” file maintained by the Executive Director. The “Complaints” file will be reviewed annually for performance improvement.
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