• Complaints do not necessarily signal crisis
    The society’s approach to complaints is tempered by a belief that complaints are a natural outcome of providing services. Complaints offer an opportunity for change and improvement.
  • Wherever possible, complaints should be resolved by the affected parties 
    Parties affected by a complaint should, whenever possible, participate in addressing and resolving the complaint amount themselves.
  • Organizations and people act in good faith
    The society will approach complaints with the assumption that all parties are acting in good faith to address situations affecting the quality of services provided.
  • Complaints will be treated with consistency
    Not all complaints will be alike. However, complaints that are similar in nature will be approached in the same or a similar manner.
  • Issues of power will be acknowledged
    Every effort will be made to recognize the power inequity that exists in the situation.
  • The response to complaints will be immediate
    Investigation of a complaint will begin as soon as possible after it has been received, and complaints will be addressed in a timely manner.
  • Complaints will be treated with fairness
    The actions of the society will be guided by what is fair and reasonable, and the validity of complaints will not be prejudged.
  • The action of the complaint will not result in retaliation or barriers to service.
    Complainants’ efforts to resolve complaints and concerns are seen as a positive expression of their rights and will not be treated as a reason or opportunity for restricting their access to services.
  • Complaints will be treated confidentially
    Subject to applicable legal requirements, all complaints will be treated as confidential.