13 August, 2024



NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Nelson CARES Society Board of Directors warmly invites you to join us for our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 at 5:30pm Location: Adventure Hotel - Banquet Room 616 Vernon Street, Nelson To vote at the AGM you must be a member in good standing with a [...]

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING -20242024-08-13T22:29:19+00:00
5 February, 2024

Coldest Night of the Year 2004-Press Release


On Saturday, February 24th, the Nelson CARES Society is hosting its Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) fundraising event. This event will see numerous participants braving the cold, dark streets of Nelson in a walk. These walkers will have reached out to their friends, family, and colleagues for donations in support of their efforts. The [...]

Coldest Night of the Year 2004-Press Release2024-02-05T22:07:40+00:00
30 January, 2024

We CARE: Services for Community Living


One month is set aside to honour the tireless efforts of individuals, families, and community members who have worked diligently to foster more inclusive communities, particularly for people with developmental disabilities. Community Support month falls in October every year. In 1981, the federal government made a historic decision and ended direct funding for institutions that [...]

We CARE: Services for Community Living2024-01-30T17:33:03+00:00
29 January, 2024

Press Release – Coldest Night of the Year


On Saturday, Feb 24th, Nelson CARES Society’s Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) fundraising event will be taking place with hundreds of walkers hitting the chilly, dark streets of Nelson. Those walkers will have asked their friends, family and co-workers to donate to support their walk. Because of the fast-paced nature of CNOY event, almost [...]

Press Release – Coldest Night of the Year2024-01-29T16:35:26+00:00
6 February, 2023

CARF Accreditation


Nelson CARES Society is thrilled to announce their achievement of another 3-year Accreditation Standard from CARF International. This accreditation recognizes the exceptionally high standard of service that our staff strives for every day to serve the community.

CARF Accreditation2023-02-06T17:05:36+00:00
22 December, 2022

An Important Message to our Community


December 22, 2022 In July 2022, Nelson CARES Society became the victim of a cyber-security incident where $596,694 was fraudulently removed from one of the Society’s bank accounts. To date, $211,079 has been recovered, and we are currently working with the Nelson Police Department and the Nelson District Credit Union to have the remaining funds [...]

An Important Message to our Community2022-12-22T17:22:42+00:00
7 November, 2022

Community Asked To Come Together To Keep Others Warm


Nelson CARES Society Emergency Housing Services program is asking the community to clean out their closets, garages, and storage lockers and share their extra men’s clothing, warm blankets, towels, winter jackets, toques, gloves, socks  and camping gear. Stepping Stones Emergency Shelter will need to supply their clients and other community members with these items for [...]

Community Asked To Come Together To Keep Others Warm2023-02-06T21:33:35+00:00
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