Project Description
This spring, Nelson will be participating in Canada’s third coordinated cross-country Point-in-Time (PiT) Homelessness Count & Housing Needs Survey. Between March 1 and April 30, designated communities across Canada will send teams of volunteers onto the streets and into shelters, transitional housing facilities and community service locations to seek information about the extent and nature of homelessness in our community. The information collected during the Point-in-Time Count will help to guide local, provincial/territorial and national responses to homelessness.
Nelson’s 2020 Point-in-Time Count is collaboration between the Nelson Committee on Homelessness (NCOH), the Government of Canada’s Homelessness Partnership Strategy, and local community services organizations, public agencies, non-profits and individual community members.
Volunteers will be needed throughout the day to conduct the survey on the street and at service locations such as the Salvation Army and Our Daily Bread, and we will also need a handful of volunteers to assist us at the count headquarters. Please note that all survey teams will include an experienced Team Leader who can help you with any questions or concerns that might arise during the count.
Nelson’s 2020 Point-in-Time Count will take place throughout the day on Tuesday, April 21st.
Please stay tuned for more information about volunteer registration. If you would like to help out with this year’s count, email for upcoming registration information.
For more information about volunteer positions and responsibilities, please click here.
To register as a volunteer for this year’s PIT count, click here.
To see the findings from Nelson’s 2018 Point-in-Time Count, please click here.