16 September, 2019



Friday October 4th, 10 am – 3 pm Prestige Lakeside Resort, Nelson We are seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help put on the 5th Annual Kootenay Seniors Fair. Volunteer roles include greeting guests at the welcome table, event photographer, volunteer drivers to help seniors get to the fair and various other positions. Full and half-day shifts [...]

CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS2019-09-16T15:35:42+00:00
4 September, 2019

Notice of Annual General Meeting


The Nelson CARES Society Board of Directors warmly invites you to join us for our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, September 18th, 2019 at 5:00pm Location: Hume Hotel – Hume Room 422 Vernon Street, Nelson     Light Refreshments Provided To vote at the AGM you must be a member in good standing with a [...]

Notice of Annual General Meeting2019-09-04T17:33:01+00:00
4 September, 2019

Reaching Home: Community Planning for Homelessness Reduction


The Nelson Committee on Homelessness invites you to participate in a community planning exercise to inform the allocation of our federal Homelessness Strategy funding locally to meet the government’s established outcomes of national homelessness reduction.  This new plan is for 2019-2024. As part of this process, we have already heard from people with lived experience [...]

Reaching Home: Community Planning for Homelessness Reduction2019-09-04T17:22:44+00:00
26 August, 2019

Bo Conlan


From the Board and Staff of Nelson CARES Society in memory of Bo Conlan.  Bo was a wonderful supporter and a member of the Kootenay Divas who helped Nelson CARES Society raise money for the restoration of Ward Street Place. She is fondly remembered and will be deeply missed. This video clip is from one [...]

Bo Conlan2024-12-11T22:25:22+00:00
6 August, 2019

Volunteer needed


Stepping Stones Homeless Shelter is looking for a volunteer to pick up bread Saturday mornings.  If you are interested in volunteering your time please contact the shelter at 250-352-9876 or by email.

Volunteer needed2019-08-27T15:16:11+00:00
6 August, 2019

Blanket and Camping Gear Donation Drive


August 1, 2019 ­– Stepping Stones – the Nelson based emergency shelter serving the West Kootenay area - is holding a blanket and camping gear drive. Between now and August 31st, 2019, Stepping Stones is requesting donations of sleeping bags, blankets, camping gear, towels, men’s medium pants and t-shirts. With the camping season upon us [...]

Blanket and Camping Gear Donation Drive2019-08-06T17:06:12+00:00
27 June, 2019

Ward Street Place Restoration


Nelson CARES is embarking on a restoration project of our downtown apartment building, 567 Ward Street, otherwise known as Ward Street Place. We would like to invite the public who are familiar with the site and have historical information, to please share your stories with us. In specific we are looking for: photos showing the [...]

Ward Street Place Restoration2019-08-27T15:23:18+00:00
24 June, 2019

11th Annual Report Card on Homelessness in Nelson


COMMITTEE CALLS FOR MORE AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING IN NELSON:A RANGE OF SUPPORTIVE HOUSING OPTIONS ALSO CALLED FOR AS A MISSING LINK TO HELP PREVENT HOMELESSNESSContinuing 0% vacancy rates for a fifth year in a row in Nelson and high rental rates compared to per capita incomes of renters PLUS a lack of and decrease in [...]

11th Annual Report Card on Homelessness in Nelson2019-07-02T18:11:16+00:00
7 May, 2019

A big thank you to the LVR Student Council


Thank you to LVR Student Council for hosting a Loppet even at the Nordic Ski Club, and a special thank you to Avie Waterfall and Zoe Taylor who organized and spearheaded this event. Local businesses donated food and prizes and a fun time was had by all. All proceeds were donated to Nelson CARES Society! [...]

A big thank you to the LVR Student Council2019-06-24T15:26:00+00:00
12 February, 2019

Coldest Night of the Year


The Coldest Night of the Year is a fantastically fun, family-friendly walking fundraiser that raises money for the hungry, homeless and hurting in over 100 communities across Canada. Happening on Saturday, February 23rd this is our fifth annual here in Nelson. We are looking forward to seeing some new faces this year, alongside some familiar [...]

Coldest Night of the Year2022-02-01T17:23:51+00:00
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